Worship Team

Serving the Lord through worship

Please take a moment to review the expectations and requirements for serving on the Heritage Worship Team.

What We Value

Thank you for your interest in the worship team at Heritage. We value skilled, humble, trust-worthy, and teachable team members who have a heart to lead the church in worship and magnify our Savior.

Requirements for Participation

You are living a life that brings glory to our Savior. We are not looking for perfection, but for a life that has a heart to grow and yield to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to us in our sanctification process. This would include that you are growing in the Word at Heritage.

Complete Step 01 - If you have not already taken the class, please click on the link to take the next Step 01 class.

Align with Beliefs - Please review Heritage’s Statement of Faith and ensure alignment with these beliefs as part of serving on the worship team.


Team members must be able to meet the time commitment below:

Sunday Services: 5 hours (7:30am-12:30pm)
Special Events: 7 hours (includes rehearsal & event time)

*These times do not include personal practice time*

Worshippers must be able to sing or play confidently on Sunday what was given to them to practice throughout the week.

Due to our limited corporate worship practices, it is essential for all worshippers to arrive confidently prepared for Wednesday's rehearsal and Sunday's soundcheck. This means consistently practicing at home throughout the week using the ChartBuilder app.

Worshippers should consistently engage in a Sunday worship service under the Word here at Heritage. We encourage you to sit in the auditorium after you have served.

Position and Skill Requirements

Acoustic Guitarists

Read chord charts
Knowledgable of major, minor chords
Dynamic control and remain on tempo
Learn specific parts if needed
Able to play modern worship
Maintain tempo with click track

Worship Vocalists:

Sing on pitch
Harmonize with the melody
Blend with other vocalists
Sing with vocal control
Engage through expression
Maintain tempo with click track

Bass Guitars

Read chord charts
Learn specific parts if needed
Stay connected with the drum beat
Use your bass guitar
Maintain tempo with click track


Maintain tempo with click track
Flexible in learning drum parts by ear
Dynamic control
*Gear not required


Confidently play different inversions
Able to play modern worship chording

Ability to learn parts by ear (encouraged)
Learn different synth sounds for songs
*Gear not required

Submit A Video

If you meet both the participation and skill requirements, we invite you to submit a video of yourself playing or singing. Please choose and perform a full song that best showcases your abilities.

If you encounter any issues uploading your video, you can email it directly to shawn@heritageva.church.

We look forward to seeing your submission!